Complaints notice
For Lloyd's related business:
Any complaint should be addressed in the first instance to Safe Forsikring AS, Espen Stange
Contact: es@safeforsikring.as
The Lloyd’s managing agent, or the party named above that it has appointed to adjudicate on your complaint on its behalf, will aim to provide you with its decision on your complaint, in writing, within two weeks of receipt of the complaint.
If you remain dissatisfied with the decision on your complaint or you have not received a decision within two weeks you may, if you wish, refer your complaint to the Lloyd’s General Representative for Norway who will investigate and assess this complaint and aim to provide you with a final response within eight weeks of the complaint being made to the party named above. The contact details are as follows:
Hanna Norum
Lloyd’s General Representative for Norway
Advokatfirmaet Berngaard AS
Akersgaten 1
Beddingen 8
0250 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 94 18 00
Fax: +47 911 81 494
Email: hn@berngaard.no
The complaints handling arrangements above are without prejudice to your rights in law.
For SI Insurance (Europe) SA related business:
The complaints can be addressed to:
The Compliance Officer
SI Insurance (Europe), SA
40 avenue Monterey
L-2163 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
If the Insurer can’t respond fully to the Insured’s complaint or provide a satisfactory response,
the Insured can submit the complaint to the competent supervisory authority or, if the Insured
is a consumer, to the insurance mediation organization, before starting the legal proceedings.
In case the Insured has not received a response or a satisfactory solution within 90 days of
the complaint to the Insurer, the Insured can contact the Commissariat aux Assurances (the
CAA) in Luxembourg for the out-of-court complaint resolution within one year (12 months)
term from the date of the complaint to the Insurer.
Commissariat aux Assurances
7 boulevard Joseph II,
L-1840 Luxembourg,
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Fax: +352 22 69 10
Email: reclamation@caa.lu
Website: www.caa.lu
The appropriate Complaint Form is available at the following address:
Alternatively, if the Insured qualifies as a consumer, he/she can refer his/her complaint to an
Insurance Ombudsman in Luxembourg:
Association des Compagnies d'Assurances (ACA)
c/o Médiateur en Assurance
B.P. 448
L-2014 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Fax: +352 44 02 89
The complaints handling arrangements above are without prejudice to your rights in law Norway